
  • Infodump data from 20 October 2024 12:12. Infodump updates show here within 24 hours.
  • Active users made at least one post or comment on the selected site in the month. Registered users completed the sign-up process.
  • Any problems or comments, MeFi Mail me or open an issue on GitHub. Not affiliated with MetaFilter LLC.


Monthly active users #

Monthly active users by year joined #

New and cumulative active users #

Cumulative registered and active users #

Activity distribution

Posts and comments by user account age #

User account age at time of posting or commenting.

Posts by most active posters #

Percentage of posts made by the n per cent of users who made the most posts.

Comments by most active commenters #

Percentage of comments made by the n per cent of users who made the most comments.

Posts and comments

Posts #

Comments #

Posts per active user #

Comments per active user #

Comments per post #

Deleted posts #

Excludes Ask MetaFilter, as the Infodump does not contain deleted questions.

Activity by time period

Posts and comments by day of week #

Posts and comments by hour #

Timestamps are recorded on the MetaFilter server in Pacific Time.